Wednesday, November 25, 2009

oh, dear

Yesterday I went on a walk and saw some deer. I kept getting closer and closer to them and unbelievably, they stayed put. But then my camera died before I could take a good close-up, so there you go. They had antlers and everything. I guess in this case everything entails legs, torsos, heads, necks, hooves, and tails.

I also saw this.
I was in the shadows. I am in the shadows, but somewhere the sun is shining. Sometimes that gives me hope and sometimes that just makes me feel worse. But that leads to where the sun is shining. You can see that.

I can't see that.

But you can.

I also saw this. Unfortunately.
My sister-in-law couldn't find a matching pair of shoes for the walk and was forced to go as is. I can't help laughing when I see this. And the funniest part is that the shoes somehow make her jeans look terrible. Like mom jeans of the worst kind (no offense, moms). Like if you could see, there'd surely be pleats at the waist line. Maybe even an elasticized waist, if we're lucky.

But then I looked down and saw this.
And realized I didn't really have much room to talk.

So we laugh at each other and find some joy in this.


merry said...

Oh. mygoodness. That is hilarious.

Mandy Hornbuckle said...

Hahahaha. Mom jeans. Oh, the mom jeans.

Nina said...

I agree with merry. Hilarious. And I agree with you too -- they do look like mom jeans. Terrible, just terrible.

Unknown said...

LOVED the shout out to mom jeans! Too funny!

And don't worry Jess, you'll find your way out of those shadows soon enough...