I am under strict orders from my husband to do absolutely nothing.
And now, while he's at work, he keeps texting me with this question: are you drinking your water?
At which point I proceed to grab my trusty water bottle that is sitting nearby, take a sip, and then text back: yes.
It would seem that Drew is not in love with the idea of a sick wife, not if he can help it, anyway.
And he has helped it. He took me to the doctor this morning, after three straight days of my fever not breaking, has proceeded to cancel my pilates class I was supposed to teach tomorrow (which is a real bummer; I truly enjoy it), and even forbade me from cleaning the house tonight.
I guess he's really worried about me; usually he truly appreciates a clean house.
So I am laying like a lump on my bed, surrounded by books, cats, and my computer, waiting for the z-pac the doctor gave me to kick in...But well, being sick is kind of boring. And frustrating. Here I am, at home, and not able to hang out with any of the fantastic people I am so wanting to see; I am with my piano, but being sick takes all the creativity right out of me, it seems.
Isn't it ironic? as Alanis Morissette would say.
But I am going to trust that tomorrow is going to find me feeling much better, that I will be back to my self again and ready to take on the world.
Or at least, you know, Newark, Delaware.
Drew is right...rest is good.
Drink your water.
Listen to your husband, and rest, cause the sooner you get better, the sooner you can enjoy your break. You still have so much time to enjoy family, Pilates, and friends. So speedy recovery, and enjoy being bored. LOVE YA..GET BETTER!
Jessica, I'm so sorry you are sick. I'll keep praying for you to get completely better! I have to admitt that I was looking forward to Pilates tonight. But I totally understand and agree with Drew that you should rest, drink lots of water, and take care of yourself. Talk to you soon!!!
Yo, be well! And rest. Sorry about the Pilates class.
It's so sad that you're sick on vacation...but lovely that if you have to be sick, you can at least be in the comfort of your own home with Drew around to help take care of you. Hope you're feeling better soon!
Drew's totally wrong. You should be drinking whiskey. It'll not the sick right out of ya.
AND you should not rest. You should be marching around in circles while drinking the whiskey. Trust me. I know about things.
Does Drew still have any brass instruments? Drink whiskey, march in circles, play the euphonium. Doctor's orders.
hahahahahahahaha-I love you Merry!!!
p.s. I do know there's a trombone laying around here somewhere...the liquor cabinet is downstairs...and I can march in a pretty fierce circle, if I do say so myself!
I bet you took my advice and now, see? You aren't sick anymore.
absolutely. I could have saved myself the time of actually going to the doctor!
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