We are currently doing a whole Secret Santa thing in the cast. Some of the gifts circulating have been really very nice--a foam memory pillow, itunes gift cards, jazz cd's, bottles of wine. And this is just supposed to be the small stuff before the big gift that we give right at Christmas time.
So, I decided to step it up today with this gift basket for my secret santa (would it be called a secret santee?). A bottle of merlot. Fine cheese. Crackers. Chocolates. Nice, right?
I went to work removing the superfluous items. And quickly put the bottle-opener back in the drawer to which it had been relegated, much to Drew's chagrin. Oh and don't worry--this drawer is not really used, except to store some things that well, are not ever used.
So the Kangaballs are out of sight once again. And the gift basket has been restored to its respectable state.
You should have given them away. It would have been his fault. Problem solved!!!
Jase, what's your address? I have a...special...christmas present for you....
It's a shame they can't be returned to the poor eunuch of a kangaroo...I am sure he could find a use for them.
I have decided that I find Drew very funny. Have to give him props for the "gun and testees" gift basket. Maybe you guys should start a mail order business.
S-A, excellent idea! I am just a little nervous thinking about what kind of clientele that gift basket would draw!
And kathie--I can only hope that poor kangaroo had a brother or something to continue on their family line...
Drew--I have Jase's address, don't worry!
Jase--be very worried!
HAHA. Good one, Drew.
At least he makes you laugh. And, if he doesn't, at least he makes your readers laugh.
The truth is that he does make me laugh. A lot...
Drew! Good one... What a thoughtful gift basket! Complete with wine bottle opener for that lovely merlot!
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